Burial Services
- Any enrolled Shawnee Tribal Citizen (Family members or a representative may apply on the deceased’s behalf. A representative of the deceased is defined as the individual(s) officially coordinating funerary services with the funeral home.)
- Applications and supporting documents must be received by the Social Services Department within one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days from the date of death.
Applicant income, location, or dual citizenship status will not be used to determine applicant eligibility. All program assistance will be awarded as funding is available.

Program Overview:
- The Tribe will provide financial assistance up to $5,000 for the costs incurred in connection with the funeral and burial services of the named deceased, after all other financial and insurance funding is depleted.
- Adoptions or other singular traditional ceremonies from other tribes will not be eligible for payment or reimbursement.
- Citizens that have pre-paid funerals will not be eligible for reimbursement on premiums already paid. They may apply to help cover any outstanding funeral balance, to which the same limits of the burial assistance program will apply.
- Tribal Citizens may only apply to use this program once. (I.e., if the total cost of funeral and burial services exceeds the awarded amount, the applicant may not reapply for additional funds in the following fiscal year.)
- Applications will be processed as they are received. Incomplete applications are not guaranteed consideration.
Required documents
& how to apply
- A completed & signed Burial Assistance Application
- A certified copy of Death Certificate
- Proof of Shawnee Tribe citizenship
- A statement or invoice from the funeral home(s) which performed the funeral and/or burial services
- A W9 from the funeral home
The application and supporting documents must be signed and submitted by the party responsible to the funeral home expenses. Within 30 calendar days of receipt of all items listed above, the Social Services office will consider and approve or deny the submitted application and a letter indicating the decision will be mailed to the applicant’s address. If the application is approved, the Social Services Department will submit the proper paperwork to the Shawnee Tribe Finance office, and the Finance office will issue the check directly to the funeral home. The applicant will receive a copy of the receipt.
Applications and required documentation may be submitted via email, mail, or in person at Shawnee Tribe Headquarters. Please contact staff at socialservices@shawnee-tribe.com at (918) 542-2441, ext. 106 with any questions or for assistance with the application process.