To enroll as a citizen of the Shawnee Tribe, you or your ancestor(s) must be listed on one of the following Shawnee Rolls:
- Roll of June 9, 1871
- Wallace Roll of Cherokee-Shawnee of 1883
- Roll of March 12, 1889 (25 Stat.994)
- Dawes Allotment records (defining Shawnees) of Cherokee Nation
- Base Roll of the Shawnee Tribe as approved by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, September 15, 2001
and/or, you must be able to present documentation that your ancestor(s) received allotment within the Shawnee Reservation in Kansas Territory through the treaty of 1854 as evidenced by a copy of a restricted land patent on file in the Johnson, Douglas, or Shawnee County Kansas Courthouse.

Once you have the appropriate records, please email staff at to request application paperwork.
Your completed application will be reviewed by the Tribal Enrollment and your name will be forwarded to the Shawnee Tribe Business Council for certification. Tribal Enrollment and the Business Council reserve the right to request additional documentation if deemed appropriate in order to meet the citizen eligibility requirements.
Are you an enrolled citizen looking to update your address or other contact information? Click here.