Down Payment
Closing Costs Program (DPCC)

Program Overview

The Down Payment Closing Costs Program is a tribally-funded program that provides a grant for Shawnee citizens in need of down payment and closing costs assistance to purchase a new home. Applicant income, location, or dual citizenship status will not be used to determine applicant eligibility. All program assistance will be awarded as funding is available. Complete applications will be processed on a first come, first serve basis. Incomplete applications are not guaranteed consideration.

The Tribe will provide financial assistance up to $7,500 assistance in down payment closing costs to relieve a portion of the financial burden to purchase a new home.

  • Applicant must be a Shawnee Tribe citizen, 18 years or older.
  • Program assistance may only be used for the applicant’s primary residence.
  • Only one Down Payment Closing Costs Program assistance/grant per household is allowed.
  • Purchases of $15,000 or less qualify for assistance not to exceed 50% of the purchase price.
  • Applicant must close the mortgage at a licensed title company, attorney, bank financial institution, or under the supervision of Shawnee Tribe Housing Programs.
  • The home must comply with any local zoning or building codes.
  • Assistance is only available for a single-family owner-occupied property.
  • Applicants are eligible for one tribally-funded program at a time. After receiving tribal funded program assistance, applicants are eligible to apply for other programs in which they meet the applicable program criteria and guidelines.
  • Applicants must not have past due unpaid debts owed to the Shawnee Tribe.
  • All payments or checks will be paid directly to the title company or appropriate financial closing institution.
  • Procurement procedures of the Shawnee Tribe shall be followed.
  • Exceptions to the policy must be approved by the Shawnee Tribe Business Council.

Required documents
& how to apply

  • Completed & signed application
  • Copy of Shawnee Tribe citizen ID card
  • Copy of driver’s license or other valid photo ID
  • Closing disclosure
  • Title report, warranty deed, BIA TSR
  • Other requested information as determined

Applications and required documentation may be submitted via email, mail, or in person at Shawnee Tribe Headquarters. If you have questions or would like to begin the application process, please contact the Shawnee Tribe Housing Programs office at or 918-542-2441, ext. 143.

Application Packet

Home Emergency Services Assistance Program (HESAP)

Eligibility, Guidelines and Qualifications

  • Applicant must be 18 years or older
  • Shawnee Tribal citizen, only one applicant per household
  • Applicant must be owner of the subject residence and verifiable by deed, BIA TSR, title report, or other form of acceptable verification
  • Applicant must not be past due on subject property mortgage, debt, and/or liens
  • Applicant must not have past due unpaid debts owed to the Shawnee Tribe
  • Subject property must be applicant’s primary residence
  • Proof or documentation must be provided to verify property taxes are paid and current
  • Present housing condition must be in reasonable condition or brought up to reasonable standard condition after the emergency service assistance has been completed
  • Repairs, modification and/or improvements must be made by contractors/vendors who have general liability coverage
  • Applicants are eligible to apply for the Tribal Funded Home Emergency Services Assistance Program once per household every twelve months. After receiving Tribal Funded Program Assistance, applicants may apply and be considered eligible for other programs after a twelve-month waiting period following project completion.
  • Procurement procedures of the Shawnee Tribe shall be followed.
  • Exceptions to the policy must be approved by the Shawnee Tribe Business Council.
  • Initial proof of project and post-project completion will need to be provided by photos and completed project form.
  • Ownership of the residence will require verification by deed, BIA TSR, title report, or other form of acceptable verification.

About The Program

The Home Emergency Services Assistance Program (HESAP) is a tribally funded program that provides a grant for citizens of the Shawnee Tribe who are homeowners in need of assistance to make emergency repairs to their primary, single-family residence. Shawnee Tribal citizens living nationwide are eligible.

Applicant income, location, or dual citizenship status will not be used to determine applicant eligibility. All program assistance will be awarded as funding is available. Complete applications will be processed on a first come, first serve basis. Incomplete applications are not guaranteed consideration.

Program Scope and Eligible Expenses

The Tribe will provide financial assistance up to $1,500 for homeowners in need of emergency repairs.

Examples of types of repairs include:

  • Repair of electrical or plumbing defects
  • Repair of heating or cooling system
  • Broken windows
  • Minor roof leak
  • Repair appliances
  • Repair or replace water heater defects
  • Weatherization to include sealing, insulation, and painting
  • Installation of smoke detectors or other minor fire prevention equipment as necessary
  • Repair of electrical or plumbing defects
  • Repair of heating or cooling system
  • Broken windows
  • Minor roof leak
  • Repair appliances
  • Repair or replace water heater defects
  • Weatherization to include sealing, insulation, and painting
  • Installation of smoke detectors or other minor fire prevention equipment as necessary

Required documents
& how to apply

  • Completed & signed application
  • Proof of Shawnee Tribe citizenship
  • Proof of home ownership
  • Proof of current mortgage payments
  • Proof of current paid property taxes
  • Project details

Applications and required documentation may be submitted via email, mail, or in person at Shawnee Tribe Headquarters. If you have questions or would like to begin the application process, please contact the Shawnee Tribe Housing Programs office at or 918-542-2441, ext. 143.

Application Packet

Home Rehabilitation Program

Eligibility, Guidelines and Qualifications

  • Applicant must be Shawnee Tribal citizen, 18 years or older.
  • Housing rehabilitation services may only be conducted on the applicant’s primary residence.
  • Proof or documentation must be provided to verify property taxes are paid and current.
  • Present housing condition must be in reasonable condition or brought up to reasonable standard condition after the rehabilitation has been completed.
  • Applicants must not have past due unpaid debts owed to the Shawnee Tribe.
  • Applicants must not be past due on subject property mortgage, debt, and/or liens.
  • Only one (1) Home Rehabilitation Program assistance/grant per household is allowed.
  • All payments or checks will be directly to vendors/contractors.
  • Contractors/vendors are required to have general liability coverage.
  • Applicants are eligible for one Tribal Funded Program at a time. After receiving Tribal Funded Program assistance, applicants are eligible to apply for other programs in which they meet the applicable program criteria and guidelines.
  • The full amount of the grant will be forgiven after 4 years from the date of the agreement, providing the tribal member complies and meets the following: maintains the home as their primary residence, remains compliant with all lending source liens on the property, maintains hazard and/or flood insurance on the property, and stays current on all property taxes. Recipients will not be eligible to apply again for Home Rehabilitation Program assistance for 4 years.
  • Applicants not living in the home for required 4-year period after receiving Home Rehabilitation Program assistance, will not be eligible to apply for additional Home Rehabilitation Program assistance for 5 years from original date of assistance.
  • Home Rehabilitation Program applicants may receive Storm Shelter Program assistance in either the year prior or the program year after Home Rehabilitation assistance.
  • Procurement procedures of the Shawnee Tribe shall be followed.
  • Exceptions to the policy must be approved by the Shawnee Tribe Business Council.
  • Initial proof of project and post-project completion will need to be provided by photos and completed project form.
  • Ownership of the residence will require verification by deed, BIA TSR, title report, or other form of acceptable verification.

About The Program

The Home Rehabilitation Program (HRP) is a tribally funded program that provides a grant for Shawnee citizen homeowners in need of moderate housing rehabilitation and modernization assistance to their primary, single-family residence.

The Tribe will provide eligible applicants up to $10,000 in assistance for rehab projects such as foundation repair, roof replacement or supports, dry rot, termite damage, electrical or plumbing defects, and more. The structure and basic operation of the home’s plumbing, heating, electrical, air conditioning, and sanitation systems must be brought up to sound, standard condition as a result of the housing rehabilitation assistance.

All program assistance will be awarded as funding is available. Complete applications will be processed on a first come, first serve basis. Applicant income, location, or dual citizenship status will not be used to determine applicant eligibility. Incomplete applications are not guaranteed consideration.

Program Scope and Eligible Expenses

The Tribe will provide financial assistance up to $10,000 for homeowners in of assistance with household rehab projects.

Examples of types of repairs include:

  • Foundation
  • Roofs/roof supports
  • Floors
  • Ceilings
  • Bathroom & Kitchen (updating of countertops, cabinets, sinks, baths, showers, toilets, etc.)
  • Walls/wall supports
  • Dry rot
  • Termite damage
  • Windows
  • Electrical/electrical defects
  • Plumbing/plumbing defects
  • Heating system defects/Cooling system defects
  • Entrance and exit defects
  • Weatherization to include Sealing, insulation, and painting

Required documents
& how to apply

  • Completed & signed application
  • Proof of Shawnee Tribe citizenship
  • Proof of home ownership
  • Proof of current mortgage payments
  • Proof of current paid property taxes
  • Project details

Applications and required documentation may be submitted via email, mail, or in person at Shawnee Tribe Headquarters. If you have questions or would like to begin the application process, please contact the Shawnee Tribe Housing Programs office at or 918-542-2441, ext. 143.

Application Packet


Native American Housing
and Self Determination Act

NAHASDA emergency assistance helps an Indian family with:

  • “move in” assistance; the Tribe will assist with first months rent, deposit, and utility deposits
  • rent/mortgage payments if an eviction or foreclosure is underway
  • utility bills up to when a shut-off notice has been received (electric, water/sewage, gas)
  • propane purchases

NAHASDA is the acronym for the Native American Housing and Self Determination Act, the federal legislation that provides for housing funds to Indian tribes and for the regulation of how those funds are spent. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides our NAHASDA funding. The Tribe’s grant representatives from HUD’s Southern Plains Office of Native American Programs (SPONAP) in Oklahoma City oversee the Tribe’s performance and offer technical support.

NAHASDA funds are intended to place and maintain Indian families in safe, standard housing. The Shawnee Tribe has fulfilled this goal in the past by providing both emergency assistance and rehabilitation assistance.There are strict income guidelines and must live or be moving within a 100 mile radius of the tribal headquarters to qualify. If you have specific questions, please contact Amanda Kerby at (918) 542-2441, ext. 143 or

Emergency Housing Assistance Application Packet

Low Income Home Energy
Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is funded by the US Department of Health and Human Services. LIHEAP provides financial assistance to help very low income households pay for the costs of heating and cooling their homes. The Shawnee Tribe has to abide by the requirements and guidelines issued by the US Department of Health and Human Services for the LIHEAP program when distributing funds. More information about LIHEAP can be found at

Because LIHEAP funding is state-based, a tribal nation can serve only residents of the state in which it is headquartered. This is the reason why Shawnee Tribe LIHEAP funding is available only to Oklahoma residents.

This website is supported by Grant Number 25RPOKLIEA from the Office of Community Services within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Community Services.

Eligibility Requirements & Application

Applicants must meet the following qualifications:

    • Enrolled citizen of the Shawnee Tribe
    • Oklahoma resident
    • Gross household income falls at or below appropriate threshold based on household size

View Income Guidelines

Download LIHEAP Application

Applications and required documentation may be submitted via email, mail, or in person at Shawnee Tribe Headquarters. Please contact Tammy Burkybile at at (918) 542-2441, ext. 106, for assistance.

Safe in Wiikiwa

Storm Shelter Installation (SSP)

Guidelines and Qualifications

  • A storm shelter may only be constructed at the applicant’s primary residence.
  • Only one storm shelter assistance/grant per household is allowed.
  • Proof or documentation must be provided to verify property taxes are paid and current.
  • Present housing condition must be in reasonable condition.
  • Applicants must not have past due unpaid debts owed to the Shawnee Tribe.
  • Applicants must not be past due on subject property mortgage, debt, and/or liens.
  • All payments or checks will be directly to vendors/contractors.
  • Contractors/vendors are required to have general liability coverage.
  • Applicants are eligible for one Tribal Funded Program at a time. Applicants are eligible to apply for other programs in which they meet the applicable program criteria and guidelines.
  • Recipients of Storm Shelter program must wait five years before applying for another Storm Shelter.
  • Procurement procedures of the Shawnee Tribe shall be followed.
  • Exceptions to the policy must be approved by the Shawnee Tribe Business Council.
  • Initial proof of project and post-project completion will need to be provided by photos and completed project form.
  • Ownership of the residence will require verification by deed, BIA TSR, title report, or other form of acceptable verification.
  • Program requires property be owner occupied and located in Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Missouri, or Arkansas.

About The Program

The Storm Shelter Program (SSP) is a tribally funded program that provides a grant for citizens of the Shawnee Tribe in need of a storm shelter for their primary, single-family residence. The installation of in-ground, above ground or storm safe rooms are all eligible expenses. Applicant income, or dual citizenship status will not be used to determine applicant eligibility. All program assistance will be awarded as funding is available. Complete applications will be processed on a first come, first serve basis. Incomplete applications are not guaranteed consideration.

Program Scope and Eligible Expenses

The Tribe will provide financial assistance up to $6,000 for homeowners to install a storm shelter on the property of their primary, single-family residence.

The program is available in Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas. The amount of assistance awarded will vary based on the project, location, property conditions, clearance issues, permits, and other issues that may arise during the installation process. Types of shelter options available include in-ground, above ground and storm safe rooms.


Applicant must be Shawnee Tribal citizen, and 18 years or older.

Required documents
& how to apply

  • Completed & signed application
  • Proof of Shawnee Tribe citizenship
  • Proof of home ownership
  • Proof of current mortgage payments
  • Proof of current paid property taxes
  • Project details

Applications and required documentation may be submitted via email, mail, or in person at Shawnee Tribe Headquarters. If you have questions or would like to begin the application process, please contact the Shawnee Tribe Housing Programs office at or 918-542-2441, ext. 143.

Application Packet

Safe in Wiikiwa

Safe at Home Ramp & Handicap Accessibility
Modifications Program

Program Scope & Eligibility

Safe at Home Ramp Program & Handicap Accessibility Modifications supports Shawnee citizens who need wheelchair ramps or other home improvements to enhance accessibility such as, but not limited to widening doorways and installing handrails. The ramps are built following ADA guidelines and are safe, strong, portable, and durable.

  • Shawnee citizens nationwide are eligible to apply
  • The amount of assistance awarded will vary based on the particular project, location, property conditions, clearance issues, permits, and other issues that may arise during the installation process.
  • Must be verifiable property owner or renter
  • Must demonstrate a medical need

About The Program

The Safe at Home Ramp and Handicap Accessibility Modifications Program supports Shawnee citizens who need wheelchair ramps or other home improvements to enhance handicap accessibility. It is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Housing Improvement Program. Supplemental funding for ramps and accessibility modifications is provided by the Tribe on an annual basis.

Applicant income or dual citizenship status will not be used to determine applicant eligibility. All program assistance will be awarded as funding is available. Incomplete applications are not guaranteed consideration.

Required documents
& how to apply

  • Completed & signed application
  • Proof of Shawnee Tribe citizenship
  • Proof of home ownership or if renter, then approval of landlord
  • Project details

Applications and required documentation may be submitted via email, mail, or in person at Shawnee Tribe Headquarters. If you have questions or would like to begin the application process, please contact the Shawnee Tribe Housing Programs office at or 918-542-2441, ext. 143.

Safe in Wiikiwa

Fire Safe Tribal Citizens Program

About The Program

The Fire Safe Tribal Citizens Program will assist tribal citizens to stay in their homes safely and be prepared in case of fire by providing fire extinguishers, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. It is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Housing Improvement Program.

Program Scope & Eligibility

  • All Shawnee citizens 18 years or older
  • Must be the verifiable property owner or renter
  • Shawnee citizens nationwide are eligible to apply
  • The amount of assistance awarded will vary based on the project and size of home.

Applicant income or dual citizenship status will not be used to determine applicant eligibility. All program assistance will be awarded as funding is available. Incomplete applications are not guaranteed consideration.

Required documents
& how to apply

  • Completed & signed application
  • Proof of Shawnee Tribe citizenship
  • Proof of home ownership or if renter, then approval of landlord
  • Project details

Applications and required documentation may be submitted via email, mail, or in person at Shawnee Tribe Headquarters. If you have questions or would like to begin the application process, please contact the Shawnee Tribe Housing Programs office at or 918-542-2441, ext. 143.

Application Packet

Website Headshot_Cindy Chandler
Housing Director
Website Headshot_Amanda Kerby
Tribal Funded Program Specialist
Website Headshot_Monica Neyman
Tribal Funded Program Specialist
Program Specialist