23.07 Elections Update _webpage

In the spirit of transparency and offering comprehensive election information to tribal citizens, the Shawnee Tribe Communications Department initiated the annual Meet the Candidates series in 2021.

For more information about the Election Committee, election guidelines, and voter information, visit


sect. - Johnson, J. Candidates - Website Headshot Rings
Miami, OK
sect. - Foster, C. Candidates - Website Headshot Rings
Lenapah, OK



About Jana Edwards-Johnson (Secretary Candidate)

Hometown: Miami, OK

Current City: Miami, OK

Occupation: Director of Health & Social Services, Eastern Shawnee Tribe

Hato (Hello),

Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself. I’m Jana Johnson (Holly-Ma-Peashe/Rabbit Clan), the mother of two incredible women, a grandmother, an advocate, and, most importantly, a Shawnee Citizen. I am deeply rooted in our community and understand the needs of our people. As a Phi-Theta Kappa graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Pittsburg State University and an educator of 24 years, I meditated and advocated for children with disabilities, their parents, and teachers.

Today, I am the Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma’s Director of Health and Social Services, Vital Statistics/Enrollment, and Tribal Tags. In this role, I manage a multi-million-dollar budget and oversee vital services crucial to the tribal community’s well-being.

I developed and implemented policies and procedures and wrote an Administrative Fraudulent Policy as a board member, Budget Manager, and Board Member for the Elder Crisis Committee Program.

In 1-2 sentences, please explain your reason(s) for seeking election.

As a Shawnee citizen, a strong voice on the Business Council is crucial to addressing citizens’ concerns and ensuring we are well-informed.  Constitutionally, we have a right to information that impacts the citizens and tribal sovereignty.

If elected, what personal qualities will you bring to the Business Council?

As your Shawnee Business Council Secretary, I will use my advocacy, leadership, organization, and mediation skills to promote and vote for forward-thinking programs and legislation that will benefit ALL Shawnee citizens.

My professional experiences, including serving as Chairwoman of the Shawnee Tribal Salary Commission and as a member of the Shawnee Tribe’s Elder Advisory Committee, have given me opportunities to ask the hard questions.

I want to reassure you of my unwavering commitment to transparency and accountability. I will always represent you with honesty and integrity, ensuring your best interests are at the forefront of every decision. Your concerns will be heard, and I will be a strong voice for all Shawnee citizens because your vote will be mine as your elected representative on the Business Council.

If elected, what issues affecting Shawnee citizens do you intend to prioritize the most?

Over the last few years, I have attended every monthly Business Council meeting and continue to address the need for programs for our elders, children, and families. Programs to ensure citizens have the opportunity to live in a safe environment in which their basic needs are met. Additionally, promoting the diversification of our business portfolio and Shawnee citizens with small businesses. These beliefs are the core of my candidacy for Shawnee Business Council Secretary.

If a citizen has further questions for you, what is the best way for them to contact you?

Your valuable input will guide my decisions as your Business Council Secretary. I am always open to hearing your thoughts and concerns. Please email me at or call or text at 918-605-9711 to discuss any topics.

Niyaawe (Thank you).

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sect. - Johnson, J. Candidates - Website Headshot Rings
Jana Edwards-Johnson

About Carolyn Foster (Incumbent Secretary)

Hometown: Lenapah, OK

Current City: Lenapah, OK

Occupation: Retired; Will Rogers Health Clinic

I’m running for re-election as Secretary for the Shawnee Tribe Business Council. I’m a descendant of Martha A. Long Shufeldt Story. I was given my Shawnee name by Victoria Daugherty, our last official tribal historian; I am Turtle Clan. I have served as Secretary of the Shawnee Tribe Business Council since 2017 and have served as an at-large member on the Business Council since being appointed in 2011. I have served on the Enrollment Committee, attended monthly meetings, and volunteered where needed or when asked by our tribal leadership. During my time on the Council, I voted in favor of and supported all efforts in the legal case against the U.S. Treasury, which resulted in CARES funding for our tribal citizens. I have participated in numerous tribal government conferences and events, including the Oklahoma Tribal Sovereignty Symposium, Bridging the Gap and United Indian Nations of Oklahoma (UINO) conferences.

In 1-2 sentences, please explain your reason(s) for seeking re-election.

I am especially proud of the new tribal programs we have been able to provide our citizens over the last three years. If re-elected I hope to continue building tribal funded programming and working hard to meet the needs of our Shawnee citizens.

If re-elected, what personal qualities will you bring to the Business Council?

The personal qualities I bring to the Business Council are my commitment to the Shawnee Tribe and its citizens now and in the future. Caring for and preserving our culture, language, history, tribal lands, and ceremonial grounds is important to me. Having worked in the healthcare field, if re-elected, I hope to continue to be the Shawnee Tribe representative serving on the boards at both the Northeastern Tribal Health Systems and the Claremore Indian Hospital.

If re-elected, what issues affecting Shawnee citizens do you intend to prioritize the most?

If re-elected, my two main priorities will be to identify new opportunities to assist our tribal elders and improve health care. Additionally, the initiatives I will continue to support and focus on are Missing and Murdered Indigenous People, as well as mental health and social issues for home-bound people.

If a citizen has further questions for you, what is the best way for them to contact you?

The best way to contact me is by email:

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sect. - Foster, C. Candidates - Website Headshot Rings
Carolyn Foster


seat 3 - Bluejacket, M. Candidates - Website Headshot Rings
Bluejacket, OK
seat 3 - Dixon, D. Candidates - Website Headshot Rings
Quapaw, OK
seat 3 - Jones, G. Candidates - Website Headshot Rings
Welch, OK
seat 3 - Staubus, E. Candidates - Website Headshot Rings
Stillwater, OK

About Morris Bluejacket (Seat 3 Candidate)

Nickname: “Blue”

Hometown: Bluejacket, OK

Current City: Bluejacket, OK

Occupation: Retired

Bluejacket Oklahoma has been my home since childhood. It’s where I was raised, attended school, and proudly raised my own family. It remains the place I still call home. For over 42 years, I have dedicated myself to public service, gaining extensive experience in city, county and state government. I served as the mayor of Bluejacket for over 20 years, spent over 12 years in state security, and held various roles within our communities, including emergency management,  safety director, and floodplain manager.

In 1-2 sentences, please explain your reason(s) for seeking election.

I am running for council seat #3 to help ensure our tribe progresses forward and makes meaningful contributions to our collective future. With dedication and vision, I aim to serve the Shawnee people with integrity and purpose.

If elected, what personal qualities will you bring to the Business Council?

If elected to the Business Council of our tribe, I will bring a strong work ethic, a deep commitment to community values and a collaborative spirit. My proven leadership skills, integrity and ability to foster positive relationships will help ensure our tribes initiatives are innovative are inclusive.

If elected, what issues affecting Shawnee citizens do you intend to prioritize the most?

I believe we must prioritize the care of our elders and children, ensuring they receive the utmost support and respect. At the same time, we should strive to provide the best quality of life for our entire tribe. Additionally, securing our financial future must be a top priority, so we can sustain and enhance our tribal community for generations to come.

If a citizen has further questions for you, what is the best way for them to contact you?

My email is My cell number (918) 244-1452.

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seat 3 - Bluejacket, M. Candidates - Website Headshot Rings
Morris Bluejacket

About Drew Dixon (Seat 3 Candidate)

Hometown: Quapaw, Oklahoma

Current City: Miami, OK

Occupation: Self-employed

Hato! My name Is Drew Dixon, Waawiyapiyeeskaka (Turtle clan). I currently reside in Miami with my fiancé Hailey Easton. I’m the son of John and Kristi (Mate) Dixon. My great grandmother was Edna Mae Daugherty. I’m a 2010 graduate of Quapaw High School and a 2016 grad of NEO A&M with an Associates of Arts in Natural Resources Ecology and Management. I’m currently self-employed.  For the previous 14 years I have been a volunteer Firefighter/EMT for the town of Quapaw. After connecting with and participating in our ceremonial dances the last several years, it has left me wanting to do more and give back to our tribe.

In 1-2 sentences, please explain your reason(s) for seeking election.

Watching the growth of our tribe, especially in the last several years, has inspired me to leave my impression on that continued growth.

If elected, what personal qualities will you bring to the Business Council?

Working in healthcare and emergency services for the last 7 years, I genuinely care for and about people; our people. Being of service is truly an honor and a privilege. As an EMT, I pride myself on being an advocate for patients under my care. As a patient advocate it is my duty to speak up for the voiceless. Along with patient advocacy comes compassion, humility and empathy. I believe as a leader, you should always be open to criticism. Criticism viewed in a positive aspect can spur us to do better and be better. There is always room for improvement and the moment we quit trying to improve, is when we quit growing. I believe we should be open, honest and transparent. If elected, one quality that you can always expect of me is when the time comes to roll up your sleeves, I will be the first to get my hands dirty.

If elected, what issues affecting Shawnee citizens do you intend to prioritize the most?

A top priority should be our elders. I feel it is our duty to look after them after they have cared for us for so many years. Further developing emergency assistance, healthcare and housing programs for our elders are a few things I intend to advocate for. Secondly is our young people. We will look for ways to inspire them to more collectively take advantage of educational opportunities to set them up for success in life. Not only pushing for college attendance but we should be promoting trade schools and work programs with the same enthusiasm. I’m forever grateful for the work and support given to our language program. Seeing the leaps and bounds of progress made from the days of language class being held at the Ottawa grounds is inspiring. Keeping our language alive and growing helps keep our identity and ceremonies going. I feel we should continue to make every effort possible to keep that forward movement. To fund all of this we should be looking at other avenues of economic growth besides our casino. Economic diversity would allow us to provide more career opportunities for our tribal citizens.

If a citizen has further questions for you, what is the best way for them to contact you?

The best way to reach me is via text or call at 918-541-6362. Or I can be found on Facebook as Drew D Dixon.

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seat 3 - Dixon, D. Candidates - Website Headshot Rings
Drew Dixon

About Gregory Jones (Seat 3 Candidate)

Hometown: Welch, OK

Current City: Fayetteville, AR

Occupation: Director of Native American Student Services

I’m Gregory Jones, and I work in Native American Higher Ed, I am dedicated to empowering students and fostering inclusive academic environments. Originally from the Bluejacket, Welch area. I received my bachelor’s degree from Pittsburg State University, and I am currently pursuing my master’s degree in Native American Leadership with an emphasis on Education. I now live in Fayetteville, AR with my wonderful wife Morgan where I am the Director of Native

American Student Services at the University of Arkansas. I am a passionate advocate for Native American communities, and I strive to create opportunities for Native youth. My goal

is to ensure that all citizens have the resources and support they need to thrive. In my spare time, I enjoy hunting and fishing with family and friends.

In 1-2 sentences, please explain your reason(s) for seeking election.

To bring fresh perspectives & innovative solutions to address the challenges our community faces, prioritizing economic growth and education. My goal is to be an advocate for all citizens & work towards a brighter future.

If elected, what personal qualities will you bring to the Business Council?

If elected, I will bring strong leadership, a collaborative spirit, and a commitment to citizen communication to the business council. My experience in strategic planning and my dedication to fostering relationships will be instrumental in driving positive change.

If elected, what issues affecting Shawnee citizens do you intend to prioritize the most?*

My top priorities for our tribal nation would include preserving and promoting cultural heritage, improving access and quality of tribal programs, and advocating for sovereign rights for tribal citizens.

If a citizen has further questions for you, what is the best way for them to contact you?*

Email me at Citizens can also reach me through Facebook messenger.

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seat 3 - Jones, G. Candidates - Website Headshot Rings
Gregory Jones

About Elena Staubus (Seat 3 Candidate)

Hometown: Stillwater, OK

Current City: Tahlequah, OK

Occupation: Surgical Tech Student

My name is Elena Staubus and I am a 26 year old recent graduate of Oklahoma State University. I am currently living in Tahlequah to attend surgical tech training. While attending OSU, I served as the vice president and then president of the Graphic Design Club. When I was selected to provide art for exhibit at OSU, I chose to depict the Shawnee clans on a painting which hung at the Edmon Low Library. I enjoy the outdoors, especially spending time camping at our Shawnee Grounds in White Oak. It’s an honor for me to run for business council, to carry out the legacy left by my Coco, Shirley Staubus and my Great Uncle Scott Secondine, who served for so many years. These elders, along with many others, truly laid a solid groundwork to prosper The Shawnee Tribe. It’s my intention to protect and carry on this tradition.

In 1-2 sentences, please explain your reason(s) for seeking election.

I am seeking election because I feel that it is important that young people become involved in tribal affairs, and it would be a great privilege to serve the Shawnee people. I will seek input from my constituents, and bring passion to my role.

If elected, what personal qualities will you bring to the Business Council?

If elected I will bring the perspective of a younger generation, as well as a desire to better the conditions of all Shawnee citizens. My time in academia has fostered my desire and research skills to fully understand every angle of an issue before making decisions. My background in design, provides me outside the box thinking, another skill I bring to serve the business committee.

If elected, what issues affecting Shawnee citizens do you intend to prioritize the most?*

If elected, my priorities will be ensuring quality care for our elders and creating opportunities for our young people. Our elders are one of our most precious resources, as our culture only exists because of the knowledge and practices they have passed down to the younger generations. It’s my desire to capture stories, oral histories, and tribal customs from elders, that can contribute to our cultural and language preservation. Our young people are also vital to the preservation of our culture. Our sovereign status will be strengthened by increased involvement of our young people and their exposure to historical knowledge and language we can capture from our elders. By affording our young people greater opportunities, we help ensure the future of our tribe. If we can provide training and education to our citizens, then those same citizens will be able to use those skills for not only personal success, but to also serve the tribe and their communities.

If a citizen has further questions for you, what is the best way for them to contact you?*

Citizens can contact me at

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seat 3 - Staubus, E. Candidates - Website Headshot Rings
Elena Staubus


Un. - Baldridge, R. Candidates - Website Headshot Rings
Vinita, OK


Unopposed candidates have been deemed elected and will not appear on the ballot.

Un. - Winesburg, C. Candidates - Website Headshot Rings
Afton, OK


Unopposed candidates have been deemed elected and will not appear on the ballot.